The gift of psychotherapy

I have realised recently that psychotherapy is still stigmatised by the assumption that only people with severe mental health issues seek psychotherapy. I want to illuminate this stigma and show you that there are many other reasons to go to therapy. You can seek therapy to deal with severe mental health issues as well as improve an already good life.

Some people also think that they come to psychotherapy to get advice on how to life their lives.  Psychotherapy is also associated with lying on a couch and talking to a therapist who doesn’t say anything. But this is not how psychotherapy works.

But psychotherapy is so much more.

Psychotherapy is a conversation between two people characterised through a unique relationship that is non-judgemental, trustworthy, genuine and empathic. I would say that the relationship of client and therapist is the essential part of therapy.

You might ask yourself: Why is the relationship so essential for psychotherapy and why can someone talk to a friend?

It might be the first time that someone experience an intimate connection with another person, where emotions, thoughts, feelings and ideas can be shared and heard without judgement. Psychotherapy is a safe space, where the client can say things he never said before.

Additionally, the therapist is neutral; the relationship is not based in the past and doesn’t carry feelings or dynamics like the relationships we have outside of the therapeutic process. Therapist and client sit together in a calm space, being aware of whatever feelings come up. The therapist is completely focused on the person who is sitting towards him. For the duration of the therapeutic session there is nothing more important; it is all about the client - no phones, messages, laptop or TV.

“To be with another in this way means that for the time being you lay aside the views and values you hold for yourself in order to enter another's world without prejudice”. -Carl Rogers

This is called empathy and it is another vital part of the therapeutic process. Empathy is the therapist’s objective; to see the world as his client sees it. The experience to be seen and understood is a huge profit for the client. Through listening and questioning the therapist becomes more aware of the client’s overall situation, his view of the world and life.

Psychotherapy means work and commitment!

As I mentioned at the beginning: The therapist will not tell you how you should live your life nor solve your problems. My work is to create a safe space for you, where you feel whole. I’m here to guide, support and encourage you.

Through listening and questioning, I want to become curious about what is making you think, feel and act the way you do. I want you to see more clearly how different life-events are associated with the way you feel and react.

To decide to go to psychotherapy is a brave step. I honour that you commit to this therapeutic process.

It is your therapeutic process. You decided to take care of yourself, and take actions. It might be a challenging journey, but you don´t have to go through it alone. You have someone next to you, who should encourage, motivate, hold and as well challenge you ;-)

For me it is a privilege to work as a psychotherapist because I want to create a relationship where people can experience positive reflection, acceptance, support, encouragement and love.

I want to create an ambiance where people can laugh, cry, be sad, be happy, be anxious, be grateful - whatever they require it to be. I will provide you with the space to express your feelings.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article. If you have questions you can always send me an e-mail: